Do You Know About Appendectomy?

About Appendectomy

The appendix is a tube-like organ, usually 8-10 cm long. It is attached to the beginning of your large intestine below and is closed at the other end.

If the appendix becomes infected, it leads to a painful condition called appendicitis. Appendectomy is the standard treatment for appendicitis. Your appendix could burst if appendicitis is not treated immediately.

How Is an Appendectomy Performed?

There are two kinds of appendectomy surgeries:

Open Appendectomy: A single large cut is made in the abdomen, and the appendix is pulled out.

Laparoscopic Appendectomy: A small tube with a camera is inserted into the abdomen and use a screen to guide them to remove the appendix.

Is appendectomy a Painful Procedure?

Before the surgery, you will be given a general anesthesia. You will feel moderate pain at the incision site after the surgery. This will be improved within a few days with appropriate pain medications.

How to Prepare for Appendectomy?

Here are some of the steps to be followed before the surgery:

  • Your doctor will ask about your medical history, current medications, allergies, or other medical conditions.
  • Some blood tests and imaging scans will be performed to know the nature of your appendicitis. Based on these factors, they will explain the type of surgery they want to perform and ask for your consent.
  • Your healthcare team will start treating your infection and prescribe antibiotics depending on the severity of the infection.
  • Avoid eating or drinking for at least 8 hours before surgery. An empty stomach also makes it easier for the doctor to see the abdominal cavity.

What Happens After an Appendectomy?

After an appendectomy, you will be supervised for several hours to monitor your breathing and heart rate. You might be advised to stay in the hospital overnight in some cases.

The timing of your discharge will depend on the following:

  • Your Body’s Reaction to The Surgery
  • Your Overall Physical Condition
  • Type of Appendectomy Performed

What Are the Risks of an Appendectomy?

An appendectomy is a simple and common procedure. However, there are some risks associated with the surgery, including:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Injury To Nearby Organs
  • Blocked Bowels

The risks of an appendectomy are less severe than those associated with untreated appendicitis.

Do’s and Don’ts Following an Appendectomy:


  • Keep the incisions(cuts) dry and clean to avoid infection
  • Eat soft foods and liquids until your bowels can tolerate more solid foods. Take it slowly.
  • Take adequate rest as your abdominal muscles may start paining if you strain yourself.


  • Do not take any medicines without your doctor’s advice, as a few pain medications may cause bleeding
  • Avoid stair climbing and lifting heavy objects
  • Do not go for swimming until your stitches are removed

When Should You Consult the Doctor After Recovery from Appendectomy?

A follow-up appointment is scheduled within two or three weeks after surgery. Consult a doctor if you notice any signs of infection, such as:

  • Redness or swelling at the incision site
  • Fever
  • Stomach cramps
  • Loss of appetite
